Amalthea Onomastica, Laurenzi (1708)

Full title: “Amalthea Onomastica; in qua voces Universae, Abstrusiores, Sacrae, Profanae, Antiquae, Antiquatae, Usurpatae, Usurpandae; e Latinis, Latino-Graecis, Latino-Barbaris, Criticis, Antiquariis, Thesauris, Lexicis, Onomasticis, Glossariis, Matheseos, Jurisprudentiae, Medicinae, aliarumque Disciplinarum Authoribus, quibusque indicatis, excerptae et Italice interpretatae”.

It is a brief Latin-Latin dictionary with short Italian notes. Onomasticum Italico-Latinum is not included in our computer version.

This dictionary contains common lexis, but is intended for advanced Latin learners and special vocabulary, so some well-known words are left without explanation:

Homo, notae significationis.
Canis, animal notum.
Sylva, silva, notum.


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  1. Laurenzi, Giuseppe. Amalthea Onomastica. Venice, 1708. URL:

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Spelling of the dictionary generally follows modern norms, such as “femina” (not “foemina”). Some words are present in both variants, so “hiems” and “hyems”, “caelum” and “coelum”. But there are also word without assimilation, such as “circunfluens”.

Orthography of the book distinguishes letters “i/j” and “u/v”, but word are sorted indiscriminately, such as “involvo, jocus, ion…”. The letter “ę” is an allograph of “æ” .

Order of the words is alphabetical, but may be lightly broken, so “kalendarium” is placed before “kalendae”, “nonarius” before “nona”.

Abbreviations and acronyms are listed at the end of the corresponding letter section, i.e. “N.H.” (notus homo) can be found after “nyxa”, the last word in the “N” section. In GoldenDict, you can use “N.” (letter with dot) to quickly navigate to the end of the section.


Code of the dictionary is distributed as Public Domain; images are licensed for non-commercial use.