A Hand-Book of Latin Synonymes, Shumway (1898)

Full title is “A Hand-Book of Latin Synonymes: Based on Meissner’s Kurzgefasste Lateinische Synonymik”.

This dictionary is made in aid of translation from English to Latin and it explains correct choice among different Latin synonyms. Added keys make it possible to use this dictionary in both directions: English-Latin and Latin-English. Total number of articles is 210, or 70 pages in printed form. XDXF version contains keys and scans of the corresponding pages.

For download see Release section; development version and source files are in the github repository.



  1. Shumway, E. S. A handbook of Latin synonymes. Boston: Ginn, Heath & Co., 1884. URL: https://archive.org/details/handbookoflatins00shumiala [Accessed 1 April 2019].

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