Cumulative release
20 Aug 2019Popma1865 v0.10
This Latin-Latin dictionary is under active development and recently reached level of 10% of the transcribed articles (190 of 1889). New formats for mobile users: Slob (AARD 2), StarDict (GoldenDict Mobile), and MDict. Many keywords were corrected and added, but index is still incomplete.
HillJohn1804 v1.1
I was surprised how popular is one of my early works, so decided to update it by adding embedded images and natty image viewer (no need to set up custom styles anymore). Version for desktop GoldenDict only, this kind of dictionaries is not suitable for mobile use.
Ramshorn1860 v1.1
Updated js-viewer for desktop edition. Now, mouse can be used for zooming and navigation. To close viewer, press Space or click on cross button in top-right corner. Content of the dictionary did not changed (1 new article), so mobile users could use previouse release.
Download from GitHub.